The school uniform is compulsory on all working days at school functions and on excursion. House Uniform must be worn every Wednesday. The school badge should be worn on the uniform always. No costly jewellery and covering should be worn; if they are lost, the school is not responsible.

 The School Uniform Std-VII  White blouse with shirt collar, royal blue skirt, black shoes & white socks.  Plain blue ribbon, black plain slip-ons for Std VI-VII
 Hair Style  Two plaits up. Pupils with short hair should see that hair does not come  below the collar of the uniform. Hair should not fall over their forehead.
 Sports uniform Std I-III  White blouse, white skirt, white canvas shoes & white socks.


The students from Std IV-X are expected to have House Uniform.
Blue Bell – Blue
Daffodil – Yellow
Pansy – Magenta
Tulip – Red

 Uniform Std VIII-XII


 Royal Blue Salwar, White Kameez, Royal Blue Thuppata, Black plain slip-ons & White socks,  Royal Blue Ribbons.
 House Uniform  White Salwar, White Kameez, Thuppata
of house colour, White Canvas shoes & White sock’s White ribbons.
 Hairstyle  Two plaits folded up. Pupils with short
hair should see that hair does not come below the collar. Hair should not fall over their  forehead.